Go directly to the next websites and pages of group members and activities, without reading the explanation given below:

2004 - heden
1998 - heden
1987 - heden
1978 - 1987
1777 - heden

This website was used for my Company BBC Worldservices (Algérie) SARL, based at Hassi-Messaoud: The economic capital of Algeria in North-Africa and the centre of the oil- and gas production, good for over 90% of its economy. It's sister-company BBC Oil & Energy (Algérie) SARL in Annaba still exists.
I now use the website for my activities after my retirement:
  • Rowing
  • Helping people
  • Otherwise
BBC means: Bakels Blok in Christ. Anything we said or did in past, present and future is inspired by the Gospel of Jesus.
This website makes part of a series of four websites:
  1. www.bakelsbv.nl, the holding company of the owners, in which also our sources of income are broadcasted: Cargo forwarding internationally, since 1777, from which the company group became well known over the world;
  2. www.bt-group.nl, the website of the Haulage-company Breda Transport, of which the legal rights were bought by the Holding-company in the year 2007, ten years after the same sort of take-over of the oldest European forwarding group De Haan in 1997 (created in 1777);
  3. www.obdw.nl, the foundation created in 1998, to spend the company group's profits in a useful, evangelically inspired, way;
  4. www.bbc.nl, the website of the son of the owner of the Holding-company, in which the continuity of this privately owned company group will be preserved for decades of years in the future.